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We All Have A Sin Problem

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Talking about sin is out of fashion. You may feel a sense of failure because you haven’t lived up to the expectations you had for yourself. But sin? Surely no one worries about that any more—or do they? Our world is marked by greed, envy of what others have, pride, laziness, anger, sexual objectification, and overeating—otherwise known as the Seven Deadly Sins. Although such things are common, it doesn’t make them right. Sin destroys our relationships with other, ourselves, and God.

Sin is destructive and causes guilt, alienation—and ultimately death. We all have a sin problem. The good news is that God can resolve it.

ISBN: 9781909680081
Código de produto: 9781909680081
Código de barras: 9781909680081
Dimensões: 105 x 185 x 5 mm
Peso: 0.050kg
Número de páginas: 32
Língua: Inglês UK

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Paul Young(Autor)